Open Science
Should scientific research, data etc be accessable to everyone?
Should there be equal opertunity?
I do believe so.
Are there dangers or worries about this?
Yes, but I want to overcome them and I don’t see how I can overcome my fears or my limitations without the help of knowledge that helps me break out of these limitations. I want and need the help of others, their tools and wisdom.
There are many ailments which can be treated or reversed given the right information. There are many improvements, discoveries, inventions still to be made which only need the access to the right information in the right context. There are so many people which if they only had access they could flourish in ways I can’t possibly imagine.
When I was a kid I always wanted to meet Einstein or people like him but maybe I have, maybe I do every day:
- “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Albert Einstein
Anyone I meet is a genius but I may not recognize it. There may be a language barrier, a perception barrier or anything else that gets in the way of my perception. Some children (even all children) may experience an insatiable curiosity at any point in their life which may be capped only by their access to information. Curiosity is a beautiful thing and to the best of my ability I do not want to stand in the way of that. I want to help anyone curious satiate their curiosity as I am curious to where it leads. There are however things I am not curious about, cautious of or avoid. I would not want any harm to come to be or others due to the sake of satiating curiosity or anything else for that matter.
I would like to support people in their research, no matter their age in research I am interested in being performed. So how can I support someone accross the globe in pursuing what they want to explore?
Sci-hub has a token based on Solana and this line caught my attention:
- “All in all, the funding that Sci-Hub received will be spent to support more open science initiatives. For example, why not to start rewarding authors for publishing their work in open journals?”
Alexandra Elsakyan -
I want to support open science, science for everyone and by supporting those that publish in open journals I believe creates safety and security in that movement. Since a question I have faced and others may also is “how can I make a living if I give everything I know for free?”. At the same time, why would I want to keep something I consider important from people? I do not want a double bind where I keep information/knowledge to myself, I want to share and I wish people share with me, I want to share everything and not be ruled by fear of having nothing to share anymore if I do.
- “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”
George Bernard Shaw