The ultimate


  • The money under the pillow is money the poor man owns Zen Master

My relative ability and understanding

I am currently unable to escape the hold the financial system has on my life but more and more I am attracted to and try to practice self sustainability. With that comes a clearer understanding of things like:

  • Saving
  • Frugality
  • Self reliance

However currently I feel like at the drop of a hat I should be able to give away everything, either for self protection or freedom. No one should be forced or cooerced to partake in any system.


I want to support people accross the globe in the most efficient and direct way as possible.

With crypto I can support specific projects or people in a more direct way than with traditional currency.

Stories that put things into perspective for me

Diluting the currency

Throughout many civilizations there has been a centrally governed currency and throughout the course of those civilizations the currency got more and more diluted. Starting out a pure metals they were mixed with other metals and redistributed, the reasons being varied but among those being:

  • Money needed for governmentally approved projects
  • Increased population
  • Incentivizing purchases

Whatever the reason the trust in the currency faded, some correlate the rise and fall of empires to the strength and fall of their currency.


For me personally, if I am to partake in a game called money I do not want to be cooerced or forced to. I also want the game to be as fair as possible and for me, a fair game means I have access to the rules of the game, can study it and there are defining boundaries. Ideally we all start at the same point, f.x. I would not be put at a disadvantage for being born later than another, born in a certain geographic location, in a certain family etc. I have not found anything like this and I don’t see that I will, so I continue to lean on the comfort of the masters who live in the ultimate and when I feel poor seeking what they have, they give it to me.

Cryptocurrency dealing with the dilution problem

Cryptocurrencies can have a fixed amount of coins both in the beginning and end.
We know when and how many new coins are produced.
Why it matters: Any individual or group has their biases. Not everyone may agree to more production of the currency at any given time, that decision does affect everyone since it dilutes the overall value of the currency. Not everyone may agree to how the new currency is distributed. This problem is fixed if the production is fixed from the beginning, no one can decide to print/produce more as no one has that power.
